(Photo Copyright 2023 Cynthia Crossman)
I live in Bend, Oregon. If you have ever visited, you know that the number of "dogs per capita" is amazingly high. When we moved our young family to Central Oregon, we joked that perhaps we wouldn't be allowed since we didn't own a dog, only an outdoor "rescue cat" named Lucky. Bend has to clarify, for summer events and outdoor concerts, "This is a pet-friendly event," or "No dogs Allowed - this time." We see dogs indoors and outdoors, and not small emotional-support dogs or designer matching-accessory teacup poodles. They are often large "working size" animals. Realistically, however, all dogs are emotional support animals - they can't help it!
(Photo Copyright 2023 Shelby Schroeder)
Having just lived in Bali this summer, I can attest that Bend and Bali are neck-in-neck for the title of the highest "dogs per capita." A kind local gentleman acquaintance had 17 rescue dogs, for which he cares. Such a big heart - and commitment! Several dogs lounged on the entrance floor to the laundry service, Mrs. Clean, over whom I carefully stepped to drop off and pick up my clothing. There were at least 5 dogs on the block, Jalan Buca, leading to the retreat center. Many would lounge comfortably on the cobblestones outside their homes, or peer curiously through a large glass sliding door. One, in particular, appearing like a scruffy cross between a yellow lab and a muscular dingo, would bark a warning whenever I approached. Then he would always swing into the street behind me as if to say, "that's right, Ibu, keep it moving!" But even that protective "guard" quality is something we appreciate in our dogs. We all want to feel safe, welcome and loved.
(Photo Copyright 2023 Shawn Axten)
When you read the title, "Why Are Dogs So Beloved?" you undoubtedly answered the question - because they seem to love us unconditionally! It is no surprise since dogs don't seem to hold a grudge, they won't snub us in the grocery store, they won't be pissed off that we didn't spend Christmas Day with them instead of the in-law's dog, and they don't snark about how horrific the traffic was to and from the dog park, upon returning from their daily walk. They are fully present at the moment - each moment. I am not a dog expert, a dog caretaker, or a "whisperer." I am simply reiterating what we have come to commonly accept about our pet dogs. They may have different constitutions and personalities, as well as different genetic conditioning for energy levels, requirements of care, and environment for comfort and happiness. And still, they seem to meet us "at the moment" expecting good.
(Photo copyright 2023 Adriana Traum)
But, why do we stop there? Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now, explains that so many people are so imprisoned in their minds that the beauty of nature does not really exist for them. “… they don’t truly see the flower, don’t feel its essence, its holiness – just as they don’t know themselves, don’t feel their own essence, their own holiness.” Is our dog a representation of our own holiness – the presence within us too – to meet the moment with love, compassion, and feeling of our interconnectedness? To forget the past, the “stories,” the resentments, the failed expectations, and just BE PRESENT to what that moment is swelling with; abundance, potential, and yes, maybe peace, joy, and Love! The dog knows it may feel like the “Alpha” but is fully aware of its interdependence on its human counterpart for food, water, exercise, companionship, and yes, Love! So why do humans so often “bite the hand that feeds them?” If we could fully know the One-ness of which we are all a part! Tolle goes on to explain that, “the sun, the earth, plants, animals, humans – all are expressions of the consciousness in varying degrees, consciousness manifesting as form.” He expounds that it only seems tragic that a sea creature may survive for only a few minutes after being born, and that human form turns to dust pretty quickly too when we forget that its consciousness is God-essence expressing itself in form. “You don’t truly know that until you realize your own God-essence as a pure consciousness.” Now feel free to substitute the “vibratory essence of creation” if you are uncomfortable with the word “God.” Can you truly know your vibratory essence of creation – your magnificence?
(Photo copyright 2023 Adriana Traum)
Einstein, the golden retriever toddler that lived at the Bali retreat center, was drawn magnetically to be a part of our group. He made daily rounds of the property to get a little lov'in from each of one of us if he could. His presence elevated the mood of the room, yet demanded our attention, whether we were in a serious "Yamas & Niyamas" lecture about guiding qualities to improve our lives (kind of like the "ten commandments" only more like "ten wise guidelines, based on Empirical Law of the Universe,") or in a physical asana class in "downward-facing-dog" (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Sadly, my behavioral conditioning and thought patterns from previous illness would start to trigger thoughts like, "uh-oh, will I begin to itch and welt up every time I'm on the yoga mats and bolsters now, since they now have dog dander and saliva on them?" In the past, I would wheeze and cough, have to use an inhaler, then get a cold from the strain on my immune system resulting in a sinus infection lasting for weeks. Sadly, I had to play it safe while in Bali, having to way the effects of being "far from home", and having committed abundant resources and support to be there to study. I mention this because many lucky souls who haven't had to deal with allergies often don't understand how challenging, long-lasting, and exhausting they can become, (not to mention life-threatening.)
(Photo Copyright 2023 Shawn Axten)
Fortunately, my cohorts were kind enough to read the situation, listen to my requests for help, and would pet Einstein, and then guide him out of our open-air classroom so I didn't have to touch him. But, if I encountered Einstein by myself, he seemed to understand. Wagging his tail, he would listen to my direction and stay back, except when I was swimming and he couldn't help himself - he bounded into the pool. He didn’t judge me, never turning his back, always wagging his tail, and not taking anything personally. He seemed to love me unconditionally, and give me a fresh chance each time we met, despite the limitations with which I was dealing. Our group, as is the custom in Yogic tradition, would end our physical asana practice, pranayama, or meditation, by saying, "Namaste." This translates as "salutations to you" but on a deeper level means that the "Inner Light of Awareness" in me (Purusa - in Sanskrit) greets the "Purusa" in you. We are honoring that the essence of each of us is the same, one thing. When a dog greets us in a friendly fashion, it feels like - "namaste."
(Photo Copyright 2023 Adriana Traum)
I recently watched the movie, Dog, starring Channing Tatum, and three Belgian Malinois canines playing “LuLu,” the dog. In that movie, much in the same hue as Finch, starring Tom Hanks, our deep bond with the dog gives us motivation, and purpose, and in the end can help us value our own lives, and know our interconnectedness. Our innate desire to be of service, to help one another, to care for and nurture, to provide companionship, physical connection, and yes Love. When the dog screws up we may be upset immediately, “oh my Dog! You ate my shoe, … again!” And, somehow, we accept it – it’s just a dog for heaven’s sake! Dogs chew on shoes. So we set healthy boundaries, don’t allow it any longer, put our shoes away, give the dog a distraction to chew on, and analyze the source of the situation; is it boredom, mischief, desire to hunt or work, desire for attention motivating them?
(Photo Copyright 2023 Wix)
Now, if I began to tell you about my "beloved dog" you would be right there with me, wondering what hijinks, fun stories, or unique quirkiness my dog embodies. ( I want one so badly, and someday it will happen. Truth be told, however, if there were not so many reasons NOT to dream so, I’d love to have a companion Leopard.) If, on the other hand, I said "hello beloved" to you, not having known you for years, or developed a loving relationship, why is it so hard to receive, understand, or even believe? Are dogs inherently better than humans - more beloved?! One of our yoga instructors uses the quote, "I want to be the human that my dog thinks I am!" Well, what would the world be like if we were brave enough to be vulnerable? If we felt about humanity - like we feel about our dogs? Yes, sometimes we metaphorically chew up another's shoe carelessly, poop on the carpet, or bark at night and wake others up with our triggers and fears, but usually, they are just thoughtless behaviors based on our past traumas - automatic responses to protect ourselves. I'll dismiss you before you dismiss me – that sort of thing. What if we thought of the bruised and battered humans as rescue dogs deserving time, patience, love, and compassion - even companionship to learn new acceptable behaviors? When we experience the purity of Joy and comprehensive connection in meditation, knowing how inter-dependent we are, the phrase namaste becomes Truth, and questioning if humans can be or are "beloved" is silly. We are all the same essence, pure Love, Joy, infinite creative potential, and “holiness,” as Tolle puts it. We are created in the image of Dog – oops, God. We are the same “stuff.” The pure Inner Light of Awareness in me honors and loves the pure Inner Light of Awareness in you. Yes, you are beloved to me – each and every one of you - because we are One.
(Photo Copyright 2023 Adriana Traum)
Asha Shawn
Beautiful post! I’ma bit late to it, but perfect timing for these words! Love you and your gift for writing!
Namaste, Shawn! 🐶💟